About the areaInvestmentNeighborhood Profile April 21, 2011

East Side/West Side Ordinance Repealed!

Great news came on Tuesday night when the Fort Collins City Council repealed the East Side/West Side Ordinance that had been pushed through by City Council earlier this year with no thought to property rights or the opinion of the people. Through the efforts of many different groups and individuals in Fort Collins, it was brought to the City Council’s attention yet again that if this was put to a vote it would be knocked down by a huge margin. Turns out people do actually care about property rights in Old Town which is great to hear!

Although to avoid embarassing themselves further, the City Council has said that they will continue to irresponsibly spend taxpayer money on “researching” the issue. But for the time being, property rights of Old Town owners are safe.

If you have any questions about this topic please feel free to give me a call, or leave a comment below!